Friday, March 7, 2008

Moran Once Again on the Wrong Side

Moran Once Again on the Wrong Side
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
March 7, 2008

While reading the roll call vote of House Resolution 951 dated 05 March 2008, the voice of the late former President Ronald Reagan ruminated through my head, “well, there he goes again,” referring to the cowardly, yet not surprising vote cast by Representative James “Jim” Moran, Jr. (D-VA).

This was a simple resolution, actually, “Condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians…” Yet Rep. Moran, as is his wont, voted “present” – in a tally producing 404 yea votes, one lone nay vote – Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) as well as Rep. Moran and three of his Democratic colleagues voting present. Voting present – meaning, I’m here, but don’t have the moral compunction to do the right thing.

The Washington Post must claim irresponsibility for a lack of factual reporting – by not informing the readers/voters of the statistics on HR 951. Such an overwhelming landslide demonstrates how egregious Rep. Moran’s vote truly is, while the Post instead devoted nearly 50 percent of its item in the “Virginia Briefing” to Rep. Moran’s feeble excuse for said vote.

Once again, Rep. Moran has proven himself unworthy of a seat in the august body in which he serves. As well, Rep. Moran has demonstrated himself to be a hypocrite as he has consistently condemned the actions of the brave American men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan with his votes where he has decried the potential loss of civilian life. Apparently the loss of Israeli civilian life is acceptable to Rep. Moran.

Rep. Moran’s actions continue to be unacceptable to too many of his constituents and it is high time to send him into retirement.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and political consultant living in Alexandria, VA.

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