Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trump's 2nd Would Be Assassin Nabbed - Dems Victim Blame

Trump’s 2nd Would Be Assassin Nabbed - Dems Victim Blame
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
September 17, 2024

For the second time in 64 days former President Donald Trump’s life stood in the crosshairs of a would be assassin. Fortunately no harm came to the former president, but the hypocritical Democrats or Hypocrats, have been victim blaming since news broke from Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida on Sunday September 15.

In the ultimate victim blaming, so-called journalists on MSNBC’s “Alex Witt Reports” asked if the TRUMP team would finally tone down the rhetoric and violence. The Trump team is not promoting violence - political or otherwise nor are they prompting anti-Trump behavior. Both would be assassins - on July 13, and September 15 voiced anti-Trump sentiments in one form or another, clearly influenced by the Democrats. Apparently it’s more than acceptable to victim blame when it fits the liberal, progressive, Democrat narrative. Otherwise, they are the first to shame the shamers.

“Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy and our most fundamental freedoms,” said Democrat nominee for president Kamala Harris on July 24.

“Are they [Trump and JD Vance] a threat to democracy? Yes? Are they going to take our rights away? Yes,” said Governor Tim Walz (D-MN), nominee for vice president, on July 27 in St. Cloud, MN.

“He’s [Trump] a genuine danger to American security,” said Joe Biden. He also said, “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” during a private telephone call with donors, just days before the July 13 assassination attempt on Trump. Of course nothing remains private for long in the world of politics, and such words could be terribly influential to a would-be assassin.

“He [Trump] is destructive to our democracy and has to be eliminated,” said US Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) on “The Inside Interview” on MSNBC in November 2023. That is most certainly an emboldening statement offered by the Congressman.

Donald Trump is not the threat to democracy as so many Democrats claim. They are simply deflecting off of themselves, as it is the Democrat Party that is the true threat to “democracy.” (The United States is a republic.) Consider that the Democrats selected, not elected, their party’s nominee - Kamala Harris - a person who entered not a single Democrat primary, who earned not a single vote during said primaries. Harris received a modern day coronation after participating in the palace coup that removed Biden from his candidacy.

In addition to the incendiary language used against Trump by a number of very high ranked Democrats, there has been a breach in security provided by the Secret Service, which falls into the rather incapable hands of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The Secret Service handled the first assassination attempt with all the skill and ineptitude of the Keystone Kops. Yet, it turned out to be no laughing matter, as in addition to Trump getting shot, two other rally attendees suffered wounds, and a third, retired firefighter Corey Comperatore suffered fatal wounds while protecting his family at the rally in Pennsylvania. 

Trump’s security detail should have been doubled, tripled, whatever it takes to keep a presidential candidate alive and free to travel the country from coast to coast campaigning before the American people. Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw should have been fired following the potential assassination at Trump International for glibly saying that Trump is not the current president and thus has all the protection he needs. If the events of the last two months are any indication, Trump clearly lacks the security he requires, and as a veteran sheriff, Bradshaw should know  better.

Adding insult to injury, as if the tendentious remarks made by myriad Democrats weren’t enough, many more are suggesting that Trump should be limited in his travels and especially his outdoor activities. Of course they want Trump as incapacitated and inconvenienced as much as possible to keep him off the campaign trail, to prevent him from holding the enormous rallies that are so popular with his supporters. These Democrats want Trump to hunker in the bunker, a la Biden in 2020. The only difference being Biden wanted to hide in the basement and run out the clock. That is not how Trump operates. Witness, following the debate on September 10, while Harris attended a debate party, Trump took to the spin room in a very unprecedented manner, and fielded questions from the media.

Trump requires as much security as any sitting president would command, after all, Trump is a former president, making his circumstances a bit more extraordinary, something Bradshaw should have remembered when suggesting Trump had all the security he needed. And not because it is Trump. All major party candidates for president should have as much security as is necessary to keep them properly protected. This is not about Trump - this is about the sanctity of the American electoral process. We the people, as Americans, don’t go around eliminating political rivals - assassinating political leaders. This is the United States of America. Not Haiti, not Libya, not Guinea-Bissau, not Serbia and Montenegro, not Nepal, not the Democratic Republic of the Congo - all of which have seen their leaders assassinated this century.

This is the United States of America - the supposed leader of the free world - the nation by which all others measure their freedoms, rights, and body politic - a republic with supposedly free and fair elections, not some banana republic floating around the deepest recesses of some enormous body of water. After the first assassination attempt, the Democrats, at their convention in August, at the very least, their nominees Harris and Walz should have expressed thankfulness that Trump is alive and physically well and that political violence has no place in the United States; lead by example in front of the thousands of convention partisans and the millions watching around the country. 

Harris and Walz failed to seize the moment for a conciliatory gesture. Instead they continue to lead by antagonistic, contentious, and truculent language creating a more divisive union - the same brand of divisiveness the Democrats employ via DEI and CRT in the workplace and the schools. And these are just some of the myriad reasons Donald Trump must be returned to the White House. The people have to deliver a strong message that they will not be intimidated, nor will they succumb to the lies, half truths, and misinformation spread by a party and people so desperate to retain their power even at the risk of permanently destroying the union.

Abraham Lincoln, in his 1838 speech before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois spoke of a potential downfall of the republic. “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

As a nation, the United States of America is at a crossroads. It is up to we the people, in the quadrennial occasion of our presidential election to determine the direction the nation will traverse - maintaining the republic or a more sinister direction toward our own destruction led by hypocrites who are the true threat to the future of America. Look at the records of the last two administrations - they speak for themselves. The time is now as the Ronald Reagan campaign said in 1980, as it also asked the people if they were better off than they were four years prior. Reagan helped make America great again then, and Trump can help Make America Great Again now.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.

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