Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden's Debate Performance - Inevitable

Biden’s Debate Performance - Inevitable 
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
June 28, 2024

If the first, and possibly only, debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle presented itself in the form of a boxing match, the referee would have stopped the fight about 12 seconds into the first round. 

Former President Donald Trump, ready when the bell rang, came out of his corner pugilistically, yet calm in demeanor, and tempered in his responses to the questions he fielded from Dana Bash and Jake Tapper of CNN. President Joe Biden, conversely, exited his corner sluggish at best, and seemed punch-drunk upon speaking - often looking dazed and confused.

The opening salvo may very well have been a swan song for Biden, who, roughly 12 minutes into the 90 minute CNN production, stopped dead in his tracks mid “thought,” looking like a deer in the headlights. Trump sounded sharp and on point, while Biden looked grim and sounded even worse. Only after the debate had mercifully ended did Democrat spokespeople announce Biden had been fighting a cold, and thus his weak performance. This is Biden after being sequestered at Camp David for a week? Biden’s surrogates can spin this like a dreidel at Chanukah, but it doesn’t change reality.

Were the American people bamboozled? Or did they simply deny the incontrovertible reality of what their eyes saw and ears heard? Clearly those closest to Biden have outright lied to both the nation and the world about his true condition with their façade and unbelievable stories about Biden as Superman behind closed doors.

My first debate-night comment is typically, I watch so you don’t have to. In this case an exception must be made. “Trust, but verify,” as President Ronald Reagan often and aptly stated. Those who did not, DO watch. The future of the free world is at stake, and this is not hyperbole. It is vital for as many Americans as possible to see and hear for themselves the stark differences between Trump and Biden, and not just on policies, accomplishments, and goals. It was Trump who took the high road, and said, “Let’s not act like children,” when the debate degenerated into who has the lower golf handicap, and Biden challenged Trump to a match, provided Trump carried his own bag.

This is not even about the issues. Anyone reading this probably knows what the key issues are and where they stand on those issues. Although, Biden blaming Trump for all the world’s ills can very easily be factually refuted. What happened to the myriad fact checkers lined up by CNN to catch Trump mispronouncing a single word or verbally misplace a decimal point? Or were they only standing by at the behest of the Biden team as part of his debate rules? They should have been working at fever pitch debunking every other sentence mangled by Biden. This includes Biden’s blatant lie that the Border Patrol union endorsed him. That union refuted Biden’s lie. “To be clear, we never have, and never will endorse Biden,” they posted on X. “The National Border Patrol Council has proudly endorsed Donald J. Trump for President of the United States,” said Hector Garza, Council vice president, to NBC News.

This is about the demonstratively frightening cognitive failings of a man, a mortal being, as we all are, who has lost more than a step, and clearly has little left in the tank. With Independence Day in less than a week, this country - the free world - cannot withstand four more months, let alone four more years of Biden’s rapid decline and failed policies. Why people are shocked by Biden’s debate performance proves they haven’t believed their own eyes and ears. It was truly painful to watch Biden, clearly disoriented and confused at times, and belies his administration’s stooges telling the world that all they have seen had been “cheap fakes.” Did CNN manufacture cheap fake Biden throughout the entire debate? No. In fact, CNN worked with the Biden team to give him all he could possibly demand in order to orchestrate the debate in the first place. As an American, this is not a moment to cheer or revel in some sense of joy. But, Biden cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes, nor can he lead as Commander in Chief.

The ship of state is either sans captain heading toward an iceberg, or the team pulling the strings behind the scenes is simply incompetent or willfully obtuse. The American people have no confidence in Biden - lifelong Democrats are wandering the abyss looking into the eyes of an empty vessel. Our allies, with no confidence in America as the leader of the free world, are shaking their collective heads in pity of the shell of a man Biden has become as nature simply takes its course. On the other hand, our foes continue seeking and taking opportunity after opportunity to rape, pillage, and plunder their way to a world as chaotic as an out of control forest fire. 

Can Biden be counted upon to match wits across the table from China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, and Ali Khamenei of the Islamic Republic of Iran? He hasn’t come close yet at age 81, he sure as hell won’t between ages 82-86 if he lives that long. And will Kamala Harris be any better? Of course not. Biden is a danger to the freedom of the United States due to his severe, continuing mental and physical decline and is reminiscent of how FDR lost Eastern Europe to the Soviets.

As I have often said since 2015 to those who do not like Donald Trump, this is not about electing Miss Congeniality. The ship of state requires a captain at its helm and Trump proved his abilities on the debate stage on June 27, as well as in his first term in the White House. No new wars started under Trump, inflation dropped as low as 1.4 percent (shooting up to nine percent under Biden), mortgage rates below four percent (now over seven percent), the southern border did not resemble a sieve, and America prided itself on being energy independent, all of which were reversed under Biden. 

At present, we the people live in an unsafe nation with increasing street crime and violence beyond reasonable control, illegal aliens invading this nation also beyond reasonable control, along with out of control prices, a return to energy dependence, and American military veterans in need, displaced by those very illegals, in housing and priority for services - services our veterans have earned and deserve, not illegals who only deserve a one way ticket back to their country of origin.

Joe Biden also deserves a one way ticket - back to Delaware and a retirement he should be able to enjoy. It is his wife, Jill Biden, who seems to be propping up her husband, physically and verbally. After CNN cut its feed to the other networks following the debate, Jill could be seen escorting Joe off the debate stage, as reported by witnesses in the Atlanta venue. In the after-party, Jill spoke vociferously about the debate, and did so again Friday afternoon in North Carolina at a Biden rally, applauding her husband's performance. She is and has been the driving force behind the Biden campaigns and presidency. Sadly, she either does not see what the majority of Americans see, or she simply wants to press forward in some form of obscene elder abuse. It should certainly make the Democratic National Convention in August rather entertaining. Will there be a coup from the convention floor to remove Biden? Perhaps they can replace him with that “youngster” Hillary Clinton. May G-d save the Union.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.

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