Sunday, October 22, 2023

An Attack of Literal Biblical Proportions

An Attack of Literal Biblical Proportions
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
October 22, 2023

This past Shabbat, October 21, 2023, also Chesvan 6, 5784 on the Hebrew calendar, in shuls (synagogues) the world over, the Jewish people read from the Torah (the Five Books of Moses/Scripture), Parshah Noach - the weekly portion about Noah and the Great Flood from Genesis 6:9 - 11:32. This is part of the Covenant between G-d and the Jewish people.

Noah, deemed the only righteous man, is instructed by G-d to “build a large wooden teivah (ark).” G-d informs Noah that “a great deluge will wipe out all life from the face of the earth, but the ark will float upon the water, sheltering Noah and his family, and two members (male and female) of each animal species.” (

But why? Because the Torah says, in Genesis 6:11-13, “And the earth was corrupt before G-d, and the earth was filled with violence. And G-d saw the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. And G-d said unto Noah: ‘The end of all flesh is come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence through them, and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.’” Because the L-rd saw His own creation and what it had become, and it most certainly was not good in His eyes.

There’s more to this than the study of this past Shabbat’s Torah portion, but it is derived linguistically. The word violence, used several times in the Torah reading, in Hebrew, phonetically, is hamas - yes, pronounced the same as the radical, militant, Islamic terrorist group of the same spelling - Hamas. With the number of people, young, old, Jewish-Israeli, Arab-Israeli, Christian-Israeli, male, female, within the government, not part of the government, military, non-military saying Hamas is worse than ISIS, speaks volumes. A militant, Islamic terrorist organization with a name translating to mean “violence” is not coincidental - names have meanings, and dates are chosen for significance.

The heinous acts of barbarism meted out by Hamas have been compared to the savagery that was the Holocaust. The slaughter of innocent women, children, elderly, the rape of women and children, the beheading of babies on October 7, reaching beyond 1,400 murdered Israelis - non-combatants, civilians, more than 260 music festival attendees, wheelchair-bound Holocaust survivors - the enormity not seen since the Holocaust itself.

This invasion of Israel, this attack of Jewish Israelis, for one reason, and one reason only, because they believe in, and worship, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has been celebrated en masse on college campuses and on city streets the world over. Cities including, but not limited to Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, and San Francisco in the United States, as well as Brussels, London, Paris, Sydney, and Tehran to the tune of hundreds of thousands took to the streets supporting Palestinians and Hamas, many disbelieving the realities of Hamas’s brutal crimes against humanity. 

And let’s not forget Washington, DC - where hundreds protested in the Cannon Office Building and thousands more outside the Congressional building. There are many who would call the behavior of this group an insurrection, but that won’t be reported by the so-called mainstream media. This rabid anti-Israel group is called Jewish Voice for Peace - that’s right - Jewish. This radical group of self-hating Jews supports the propaganda peddled by Hamas and their Palestinian pawns. It is the “largest Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world.” ( 

This dangerous radical group of, it’s hard to call them Jewish, supporters of the Palestinians, calling Israel Palestine on their website, supports a Palestinian homeland, and fell prey to the propaganda arm of Hamas, as did the so-called mainstream media, falsely calling Israel an apartheid state, falsely calling Israel a colonizer. Ponder this question: If Israel is surrounded by foes, and surrenders land when signing peace treaties, what land have they colonized? Hearing crickets. And why? Because Israel does not colonize land.

Hamas, as well as the militant Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, attacking Israel from Lebanon in the north (both funded proxies of the Islamic Republic of Iran), have the same goals emblazoned into their charters - the eradication of Israel and the annihilation of global Jewry. With objectives and aspirations like these, there are no negotiations to be had with these murderers. There is no two-state solution for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, only the Final Solution - just as the Nazis designed.

Many of the protesters against Israel and for the Palestinians and Hamas are college-educated, middle-upper class, white liberals indoctrinated on the very campuses that also held rallies. Schools such as, but not limited to Arizona State, Columbia, CUNY campuses, Harvard, Indiana, Kent State, NYU Law, Penn State, Purdue, UC Berkeley, U. of Chicago, U. of Cincinnati, UConn, U. of Louisville, U. of Michigan, U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, U. of Pennsylvania, USC, U. of Virginia, and Yale. Jewish students on these, and many other campuses, are reporting an exponential rise in anti-Semitism, and have expressed fear in walking around campus. Pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas supporters hide behind masks while those rallying for Israel do so openly and with pride.

Supporters of Palestinians and Hamas deny that Hamas uses both its enemies and its so-called brethren as human shields - placing their rockets, and other weapons in schools, hospitals, civilian residential areas, even mosques. Holding more that 220 hostages supports the human shield notion. This is not the sign of a religion of peace. There would be no war had Hamas not invaded and attacked Israel. But the Hamas philosophy includes “a jihad for victory or martyrdom.”

"To Hamas: if you're not a coward, then give back every single hostage because you wouldn't  need them. You would fight like a man. You would fight eye to eye, you wouldn't need human shields to do the job," said Senator Katie Britt (R-AL).

In addition to the propaganda war Hamas is waging, its hypocrisy knows no limits. The supporters of Palestinians and Hamas demanded proof when told about the Hamas dastardly, heinous slaughter of women, children, and elderly. This includes the rape of children, the decapitation of babies and the kidnapping of wheelchair-bound Holocaust survivors. Yet there is absolute rejection of proof - even video proof by Hamas itself.

Yet, when Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza is allegedly bombed, all the same people above including the so-called mainstream media, leap in a single bound to take as gospel, the words of a terrorist organization - Hamas. As Hamas blames Israel, the media genuflects, all the protestors become apoplectic, and do not demand the same proof they expected regarding the horrifying barbarism perpetrated by Hamas. And while the proof became patently clear that Israel did not bomb the Gazan hospital, and that it was Islamic Jihad’s own misfired rocket that took out the parking lot next to the hospital, and 500 Palestinians, as initially, wrongly reported died, were not killed.

Both US Reps Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) posted immediately to social media their blame of Israel for the bombing of the hospital. Even after proof Israel did not bomb the hospital, neither Omar nor Tlaib have yet to remove their posts from social media blaming Israel. In fact, Tlaib went one step beyond her initial blame. At a Palestinian rally in Washington, DC, Tlaib ranted hysterically, “I can cry. We can cry. If we’re not crying, something is wrong,” on October 18. Just days before, Tlaib walked stone faced, and stone cold silent when asked about the Hamas decapitation of Israeli babies. She would utter nary a syllable - not even to condemn the decapitation of babies.

Tlaib, Omar, and the rest of the anti-Semitic so-called squad have also demanded that the United States allow about a million Palestinian so-called refugees into the country. So-called refugees because history proves otherwise. 

A million unvetted Palestinians?  Consider that Jordan’s King Abdullah II said neither Jordan nor Egypt would allow any of the wayward Palestinians into their countries. There are 48 Arab/Muslim nations, and none of them have agreed entry to any of the Palestinians. Yet, Israel, the lone Jewish state also says no, and Israel is blamed for all the evil in the world. Most certainly the United States should follow Egypt, Jordan, and Israel, especially with the growing number of illegals flooding the southern border of the United States coming from roughly 100 countries, including Iran, Lebanon, and Syria.

Going back to the protesters and supporters of Palestinians and Hamas, each one of them should be asked these simple questions. Do Jewish people have the right to live? Do Jewish people have the right to a Jewish homeland? Perhaps those are not simple questions as more and more of the younger supporters of the Palestinians and Hamas in the United States and overseas believe Hamas had the right to invade Israel and commit the acts of butchery they executed.

Israel does not start wars. The day Israel loses a war, G-d forbid, Israel ceases to exist. Israel is in a constant battle for survival, and that is not hyperbole. Golda Meir, Israel’s fourth Prime Minister said “we Israelis have a secret weapon - we have nowhere else to go.” Where do the Jewish people go when the rising anti-Semitism becomes too arduous under which to live in countries outside Israel, in the Diaspora? If not Israel, where?

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN. 

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