Planned Parenthood: America’s ISIS
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
July 31, 2015
It’s ironic that “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is a 1961 song
by The Tokens. While media outrage over the killing of a lion has flooded the
airwaves, only token coverage and scant outrage has been offered by the same
liberal, hypocritical media over the horrific videos cavalierly discussing the
subdividing of babies’ bodies to be sold for the purpose of harvesting.
Another hypocrisy is that the ghouls at Planned
Parenthood don’t consider what proven science has demonstrated – that what
Planned Parenthood calls a so-called clump of cells is actually a human life. A
life Planned Parenthood is deliberately snuffing out in a meticulous manner –
not to ease the pain of that life – because, once again, science has proven
that that human life feels pain, but to retrieve body parts to sell as though
salvaging parts of a Chevy from a junk yard.
Planned Parenthood and its supporters can’t have it both
ways. They can’t call that baby a non-life for the purpose of murdering it in
the womb, yet at the same time use certain parts of that human life for tissue “donation”
the way a butcher would strip a cow for steaks and other beef products.
Make no mistake; these human body parts are not being donated.
They are being sold, as the multiple videos have unearthed. A pro-life
organization, the Center for Medical Progress, has produced several videos of
Planned Parenthood doctors and executives casually discussing the price ranges
for various human body parts while munching away on salads and enjoying wine.
This is the abject loss of humanity society has sunk to,
where human body parts are converted into cash, while more and more babies are
being destroyed by doctors who have clearly forgotten their Hippocratic Oath to
first do no harm. The principle role of a doctor is to save human lives, not
end them – especially those that have barely started. Innocent lives murdered,
mostly for selfish reasons as the request of, oftentimes, irresponsible adults
who should know better.
Once such doctor, Deborah Nucatola, senior director of
medical services for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, callously
explained in grim detail how the procedures occurred in order to salvage
particular human baby organs as well as appropriate price ranges for the sale
of said organs. There is no denying the validity of these videos. They are not
excerpts and can be viewed in their unedited entirety to see the absolute
dearth of humanity these butchers put on full unabashed display.
Defenders of Planned Parenthood’s Nazi-like behavior suggested
the videos have been taken out of context. There can be no defending the indefensible.
Planned Parenthood is a butcher shop for the destruction of humanity. What is
almost as disturbing is the lack of outrage regarding the destructive behavior
of Planned Parenthood – an organization claiming to be a non-profit, yet has annual
income ranging from $230 million to $375 million – figures derived from
confirmed and unconfirmed sources, including Planned Parenthood itself. Planned
Parenthood also reports in its own annual report the slaughter of over 327,000
babies in 2013 alone, roughly the murder of nearly 900 babies each and every
day of the year. Even ISIS can’t report such dastardly figures. Yes, I just
compared Planned Parenthood to ISIS – both are organizations committed to
savage barbarism.
Since 1970, Planned Parenthood is responsible for more
than six million abortions – murders of innocent human beings who did nothing
to deserve their death sentence. That is just Planned Parenthood’s contribution
to this holocaust of humanity in the womb. Yes, I just compared the murder of
six million babies to the Holocaust of European Jewry that also saw the murder
of six million innocents.
That there is a lack of outrage
on a national scale is akin to the loss of humanity that has grown in the
United States since the passage of Roe v.
Wade (1973) and since prayer was forbidden in the classrooms.
That there is more outrage over
the killing of one lion – and I’m not defending that action if it was done
illegally, as is the claim, demonstrates an off kilter set of priorities. PETA
has actually called for the execution of Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist
who killed Cecil the lion. I didn’t know PETA supported the death penalty.
All pro-life supporters are seeking is the defunding of
Planned Parenthood. That organization sponges $500 million from the federal
government – money coming out of the pockets of the taxpayers. There is a
multitude of corporations who support Planned Parenthood financially. Let them
continue to step up without pro-life taxpayers having blood on our hands for
aiding and abetting both abortions and the dissemination of the body parts of
innocent babies.
The United States Senate is set to vote Monday, August 3
on the defunding of Planned Parenthood. Not surprisingly, Barack Obama has
threatened to veto such a defunding. This is not a political issue; at least is
shouldn’t be, yet there are still too many Democrats willing to side with
Planned Parenthood, no doubt because of the campaign dollars that flow their
way. No, my friends, this is a moral issue; a moral outrage, that such an
organization can continue to receive taxpayer dollars to murder babies and sell
their parts. Selling human organs for profit is against the law and Planned
Parenthood should be punished for doing so.
Planned Parenthood is not the only organization able to
provide healthcare to women, as they claim is their first goal. Planned
Parenthood claims no federal tax dollars fund actual abortions, but theirs is
an operation that uses that money to fund abortions indirectly and that too
needs to be stopped.
Thus far, 10 states have banned state funding of Planned
Parenthood, including Texas and New Jersey. It’s time the remaining 40 got on
board. Within a week of the revelations of Planned Parenthood’s organ selling
operation, three of 41 major corporations have pulled their financial support
from the abortion provider. The remaining 38 include American Express, Avon,
Bank of America, Ben & Jerry’s, Macy’s, Nike, and Starbucks. (
Let your conscience be your guide when considering patronizing these companies.
While liberals and those without a soul or a conscience
continue their handwringing over the death of a lion while remaining silent
regarding the continuing destruction of their own species, remember all lives
matter. This includes those lives growing inside the womb for whom there is no
voice. We must all be that voice – now more than ever.
Sanford D. Horn is
a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN. He is thankful that his own
mother, of Blessed memory, believed in life.