Friday, August 30, 2024

Harris Doubles Down on Bidenomics in Scripted Ad

Harris Doubles Down on Bidenomics in Scripted Ad
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
August 30, 2024

Smiling and nodding dutifully like an adoring and approving father, Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) joined Vice President Kamala Harris (D) on CNN Thursday night (08/29) in what should have been her first live real sit-down, one-on-one interview with a member of the press. Instead, for the duration of the hour-long program, Harris spoke for 16 minutes and 47 seconds according to multiple sources, in what can only be considered a scripted infomercial, pre-recorded and edited.

Dana Bash, who conducted the interview, is a rather capable reporter, and actually asked a couple of good questions. She failed, however, to jump on myriad opportunities for obvious follow-up questions. And, Bash did begin the program with two lies before even asking her first question to Harris. Viewers were told the interview was coming live from Savannah, GA and that they would see the interview in its entirety. Neither notion carried an ounce of truth with it - see above.

Bash tossed an obvious softball to begin the proceedings, asking what Harris would do on Day One. That is a disingenuous question, as Harris has been in the White House as Vice President since January 20, 2021 and thus, has had three and one half years to work with Joe Biden to accomplish anything she might want to do starting January 20, 2025. To be fair to Harris, she did say that the middle class would be her priority on Day One, that “people are ready for a new way forward,” without defining that new way. If based upon previous statements Harris’s “new way forward” include price controls and increased government interference in the lives of the American people, that “new way forward” more likely than not, will bankrupt the United States.

When Bash again asked about Day One, Harris said there would be “an opportunity economy,” a mantra oft repeated on her television campaign ads. Harris neither defined nor explained what an opportunity economy looks like with Bash or in the advertisements. 

Harris said she would bring down the cost of everyday goods, invest in small businesses, and invest in families. Price controls will never bring down the cost of goods and services. There will be shortages leading to price gouging, the thing Harris hopes to prevent. How will she invest in small businesses or families? A question neither asked by Bash or explained by Harris when she mentioned it the first time. The closest Harris came to answering that question came when she called for a $6,000 child tax credit for a child’s first year. Will that be just for the first child, or every child a woman chooses to have? As a tax credit, money the government will not collect, what spending cuts did Harris propose to offset those tax credits? None.

Bash does get credit for responding to Harris about how the country is not going back, presumably to the Trump era, by reminding the Democratic nominee for president that the cost of groceries and housing were lower under President Trump.

Another possible economic policy proposed by Harris seemed to confuse her as much as it must have confused viewers at home. Harris talked about bringing the cost of housing down. She initially suggested a $25,000 tax credit for first time home buyers. Harris also suggested such a tax credit could be used for the down payment on said house. What will prevent the cost of housing to rise by that same $25,000, and how will a tax credit cover the actual down payment? If a new home buyer is relying upon a $25,000 tax credit, they probably can’t afford the house - the monthly mortgage (which thanks to Biden-Harris could have an interest rate upwards of nine percent), the property taxes, and all that encampasses home ownership.

Bash asked a good question wanting to know why haven’t Biden and Harris implemented any of these changes during the past three-plus years. Harris said “we had to recover as an economy.” Doesn’t the country still have to recover from the failed Biden-Harris economy? If those plans would not have worked then, why will they succeed now? “I’m very proud of the work we’ve done… brought inflation down to three percent,” said Harris ignoring the fact that when Biden-Harris entered the White House in 2021, inflation was 1.4 percent, and shot up to over nine percent during this term - something upon which Bash did not call out Harris.

Another mathematical quandary emerged during the Harris-Walz infomercial. Harris took pride in claiming to see insulin prices capped at $35 per month for seniors. Then Harris went on to say the cost of insulin for seniors has been capped at $2,000 a year. The trusty calculator says 35 X 12 = 420; so how does Harris get to $2,000? When it came to the impact of the child tax credit, Walz said it would reduce child poverty by one-third, while Harris put the reduction at 50 percent. Seems the left hand doesn't know what the other left hand is doing.

During the CNN program Harris claimed her administration would bring business back to America. How does that mesh with Harris calling for corporate income tax rates to increase from 21 percent to 28 percent? Two things could happen here. Corporations will move their headquarters overseas, to a country like Ireland that imposes a friendlier tax rate. Corporations willing to “accept” the proposed tax increase will simply pass that increase on to their clientele and customers, thus raising taxes on the very people Harris claimed would not have their taxes raised - the middle and lower socio-economic rungs of the ladder in America. Oh, taxes will be raised on the rich; they just won’t feel its impact as badly. Harris has no economic acumen of which to speak. Bash neither pursued the tax issue nor the faulty math regarding insulin. 

Bash turned her attention to fracking - yet another issue on which Harris has flip-flopped. In 2019 Harris said, “No question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” Since the DNC and during the Bash infomercial Harris claimed she will not ban fracking. “My values have not changed… I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate. And to do that, we can do what we have accomplished thus far,” said Harris.

There’s quite a bit to unpack in that confusing statement fit for a vegetarian, as it is a classic Kamala Harris Word Salad. Either she’s against fracking because she thinks there is a climate crisis that would be negatively impacted by fracking, and that runs contrary to her immediately stated support to defend fracking, or, and this is more likely, Harris’s values are whichever way the wind blows.

When Bash pivoted to the border crisis, Harris immediately blamed Trump for killing a so-called bipartisan bill that would allow for more fentanyl to be seized. Why didn’t Biden-Harris issue an executive order three-plus years ago if this is such a serious issue, and it is terribly serious. But the Biden-Harris open border policies since taking office is the main reason for the astronomical influx of the fatal drug. An open border Harris supports, as Bash noted Harris raised her hand during a 2019 Democrat debate calling for the decriminalization of illegal border crossing. Bash asked Harris if she still took that position. “I believe there should be consequence - we have laws - they have to be followed and enforced, that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally, and there should be consequences.” It again begs the question why the laws already on the books failed to be enforced as record numbers of illegal aliens invaded the United States during Biden-Harris. When Harris said she recognized the problem, there was no follow up from Bash asking why, after three-plus years the problem still remains unchecked.

From there, Harris offered up another word salad. “My values haven’t changed. You mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed and I have worked on it - that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter, to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. We did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States, and by extension the globe, around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of certain greenhouse gasses, as an example. That value has not changed,” said a convoluted Harris with Walz sitting there nodding like a stooge.

When Bash asked Harris about her experiences as a district attorney and attorney general, Harris said,”Let me be clear, in this race, I am the only person who has prosecuted transnational criminals who traffic in guns, drugs, and human beings. I recognize the problem.” If Harris recognized the problem, why is illegal immigration rampant in her state of California, and at its worst in the United States as a whole? Harris then turned to her mantra of the campaign, that this is “the prosecutor versus the felon,” expecting that to be the be-all-end-all path to the White House.

Harris didn’t sound much better talking about the war between Hamas and Israel. Bash noted how Biden-Harris has failed for months and months to secure a ceasefire. “Let me be clear. I’m unequivocal and unwavering in my commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself, and that’s not gonna change. But, let’s take a step back. October 7, 1,200 people were murdered, many young people who [sic] simply attending a music festival. Women were horribly raped - as I said then - I say today, Israel has a right to defend itself - we would - and how it does matters. Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed and we have got to get a deal done. This war must end and we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out…. I’ve been committed since I’ve been on October 8 to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution,” said Harris, in yet another garbled response. In this two-state solution Harris envisions, how much more land does she expect to be stolen from Israel?

Harris wasn‘t the only one to struggle verbally during the interview with Bash. Walz dodged the question, referring to him lying about carrying weapons of war into combat, calling it an attack on him. He was not asked about his lying about his military rank. First he said people are just getting to know him, then a minute later said, the people know him. Which is it? And in response to his lie about IVF versus IUI, Walz said, “I don’t think they’re cutting hairs on IVF or IUI. I think they’re cutting hairs on is an abortion ban and the ability to be able to deny families to have a beautiful child.”

Walz is most certainly not battle-tested for the rigors of a national campaign, which with 10 weeks before Election Day, is now a sprint to the November 5 finish line. Harris, while she has experience in a national campaign having run in 2020, still lacks the capability to string together coherent sentences to explain whatever makeshift Marxist policies she is conjuring up. She’s walking a tightrope - a balancing act of remaining loyal to her boss, Joe Biden, who gave her the chance of a lifetime - twice - once by naming her his choice for vice president, and again when he announced he would be dropping out of the race for president and endorsing Harris, and paving her own way by moving away from the Biden-Harris record. 

Regardless how fast or far Harris runs, she will not be able to shed the stink of the Biden-Harris administration, nor avoid questions about Biden’s mental health. During the infomercial with Bash, Harris doubled-down in her defense of Biden, saying he has the abilities to serve another four year term, that Biden was “extraordinarily strong” following his disastrous debate with Trump in June. Harris said she has no regrets about what she told the American people about Biden. “I have spent hours and hours with him, whether in the Oval Office or the Situation Room - he has the intelligence, the commitment, the judgment, and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president. In contrast, the former president has none of that,” said Harris, adding she has been proud to serve with Biden.

The next set of whoppers delivered by Harris were even more shocking. She bragged about having invested in “new economies.” Such as, Bash should have asked, but did not. “I think history is going to show not only has Joe Biden led an administration that achieved extraordinary successes, but the character of the man is one that he has been in his life and career, including as a president, quite selfless, and put the American people first,” said Harris, offering up yet another word salad.

Is this the best Kamala Harris has to offer? After shunning the media for 40 days and 40 nights, with a campaign website bereft of policy issues, it is apparent Harris is trying to run the clock out, hoping as many people as possible vote early. Harris is  attempting to hide in plain sight among the American people saying nothing of value or substance. It is up to the American people to see through the Harris facade, remember this election is not about personality, but the damage done to our collective pocketbooks and wallets. Trust your own eyes and ears, not the pandering Democrat’s campaign ads, not the Harris word salads or the Walz lies.

Ronald Reagan asked, in 1980, if the American people were better off then in 1980, than they were four years prior. The American people are intelligent enough to know what is in their bank account, how much their groceries, gas, and lodging cost, how few vacations they can afford compared to the four years of the Trump administration. The American people are smart enough to know who stands for the American people, not illegals, and who will work hard for the American people to Make America Great Again.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Abbey Gate 13 Honored with Trump Patriotism; Harris Pettiness

Abbey Gate 13 Honored with Trump Patriotism; Harris Pettiness
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
August 28, 2024 (addendum included September 12, 2024)

In what started out as a mostly quiet, unobtrusive event to memorialize 13 fallen heroes of the American military, ended up as front page fodder due to the pettiness of one person - Vice President Kamala Harris. The 13 Gold Star families planned a simple, yet meaningful, wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday August 26 to remember and celebrate their children’s lives lost at Abbey Gate during a suicide bombing.

The Gold Star families of the Afghanistan 13 invited former President Donald Trump to join them in honoring the memories of their sons and daughters who unceremoniously lost their lives on August 26, 2021 during the failed and chaotic withdrawal from Kabul. In an unprecedented evacuation, the Biden-Harris administration pulled the military troops from Afghanistan first, not last, as should be protocol. In fact, Harris doubled-down indicating only she and Biden remained in the room where the disastrous decision emerged, and still to this day continues to call it a “success.” The families of the 13 fallen troops most certainly know better.

This is the same Biden-Harris administration that saw Biden check his watch on occasion during the dignified transfer of the remains of the Afghanistan 13, and Harris failed to attend at all. Biden and Harris have done nothing but insult the memories of the fallen as well as their families, and yes, Harris made it political by condemning Trump for attending an event to which he was invited.

Say the names of the fallen:


Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichard, 25, Lawrence, MA

Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23, Sacramento, CA

Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, Salt Lake City, UT

Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, Indio, CA

Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23, Omaha, NE

Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, Logansport, IN

Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20, Rio Bravo, TX

Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20, St. Charles, MO

Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20, Jackson, WY

Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, Norco, CA


Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, 22, Berlin Heights, OH


Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23, Corryton, TN

“Let me be clear,” began Harris. “The former president disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt. If there is one thing on which we as Americans can all agree, it’s that our veterans, military families, and service members should be honored, never disparaged, and treated with nothing less than our highest respect and gratitude,” wrote Harris on X. Harris’s words ring hollow, as her deeds speak volumes. Harris has yet to meet with the Gold Star families. And quite frankly any attempt to do so would be disingenuous at best, insulting to be sure.

Naturally, Trump accepted the invitation offered by the Gold Star families, and spoke little, while spending as much time as the families wanted just listening to their memories of their children. Both Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg (Ret.) a former National Security adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence, and former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, now a supporter of Trump, said the former president comported himself with dignity, respect, and reverence to the memories of the fallen as well as their families.

Another criticism levied by Harris indicated Trump turned the event into a photo session as people snapped photos and even filmed a video. Much ado about nothing as the photos and filming came at the behest of the families, and Trump appropriately acquiesced. Photos requested by grieving families trumps the rules or laws - no pun intended.

Asked about the video, Kelly Barnett, mother of Darin T. Hoover, responded, “we’re just so tired - we’ve been disrespected so much in the last three years - it’s been three years - no response from them [Biden-Harris, who were invited to the wreath laying]. No ‘I’m sorry,’ no ‘we stand with you,’ no ‘we know it was a mistake, we know it went down wrong, because we know mistakes happen in war.’ It was just important that we let Donald Trump know - because he’s been there for us. He’s been our rock. He’s been there for us to give us a little bit of peace, and carry that grief with us for a little while, and that’s what he did that day,” said Barnett.

“Absolutely hypocritical,” is how Jim McCollum, father of Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, described Harris’s comments toward Trump. “We invited President Trump to be there, the families that were in Arlington asked him to bring his filming crew to capture the moment. My understanding is that they didn’t want people on their phones. They wanted them to be in the moment, to be present. Trump was gracious enough to be there, for one, which I thought was an absolutely beautiful thing - it made me proud that he was there representing all 13 kids…. Much like the RNC, where our kid’s names were finally recognized, this was some recognition that we’d been longing for. It was absolutely beautiful for me to see, and in a blink of an eye, she [Harris] turned it political and into something it absolutely was not,” said McCollum.

On CNN Dana Bash called Afghanistan a “sore spot” for Biden and Harris. “A sore spot? They murdered my son,” said Alicia Lopez, mother of Cpl. Hunter Lopez. “They murdered the other 12. I don’t think that would be a sore spot. I think they have a lot of explaining to do and they’re choosing not to and they’re choosing to politicize something that was meant to be an experience between a former president and the families and honoring our children. Instead, she’s turning it into something to get the attention away from him,” said Lopez.

Asked what she would say to Harris, given the opportunity, Lopez said with a grin, “I probably can’t say those words on national TV. I don’t think she qualifies to be the Commander in Chief, so I would kindly ask her to step down and let President Trump be our Commander in Chief so that he can take care of our military,” said Lopez.

In a video presented on The Chris Salcedo Show on Newsmax on Monday, September 2, another parent weighed in about Harris’s comments. “This is Mark Schmitz, Gold Star father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz. The irony behind your post, that you give a rat’s ass about our military or our veterans - Jared’s brothers and sisters in arms - the rest of the 12… is an outright lie. We’re living proof of that. You’re despicable. You have zero business running this country. And I pray to G-d Americans wake the hell up and get your ass out of office. You have spit in our face for the last f-ing time,” said a still grieving Schmitz, and rightfully so.

On Tuesday, September 10, after three years and two weeks, official recognition of the Abbey Gate 13 came in the form of a ceremony posthumously issuing all 13 servicemen and women the Congressional Gold Medal, as voted unanimously by Congress. Along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian award. This recognition, obviously long overdue, helped the surviving family members take one step toward closure, something unlikely to ever be achieved by the families of the fallen. 

The Abbey Gate families, and the families of all the fallen during the Afghanistan War deserve that, and so much more. They, and the nation, deserve a Commander in Chief that will lead via peace through strength so as to not require sending American troops into harm’s way in foreign wars. After 20 years, Afghanistan is once again under the tyrannical thumb of the Taliban, due in part to the fecklessness of Biden and Harris. The rights of women and girls have once again been stripped away. Actress Meryl Streep said a “squirrel has more rights than Afghan girls.” Can’t argue with that, but what is arguable is why Streep supports Harris. This would not have happened under a Trump administration. After all, Kamala Harris supports the right of transgender women, actually biological males, to participate in female sports, while Donald Trump vehemently opposes this. Trump will end this insanity about bio-boys invading women’s spaces, restore order with the military, and give the homeless veterans the help they need and deserve, all on the way to Making America Great Again.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

From Lieberman to Shapiro - Turning Back the Clock

From Lieberman to Shapiro - Turning Back the Clock?
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
August 8, 2024

In August 2000 during the presidential campaign Democrat candidate for vice president Joseph Lieberman noted that there is “currently a constitutional place for faith in our public life.” Additionally, “the Constitution does not provide for freedom from religion,” Lieberman said in the Los Angeles Times of August 28, 2000.

Senator Joe Lieberman, a moderate Connecticut Democrat turned Independent who died on March 27 at age 82, ran as the first Jewish candidate of a major American political party for either president or vice president. The time of Lieberman’s selection by presidential candidate Al Gore (D-TN), became one of tremendous pride within the Jewish community. Lieberman, a religious Jew, kept kosher (followed Jewish dietary laws), and observed Shabbat. His Democrat Party celebrated Lieberman’s nomination.

Fast forward eight presidential cycles to 2024, and the mere mention of a Jewish candidate for vice president made many in the Democrat Party apoplectic. It’s too big a risk, reported by many in the so-called legacy media, to have a Jew on the ticket, as though, in this particular case Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro contracted leprosy and required quarantine. Many believed Shapiro would be Kamala Harris’ choice to join her on the ticket as candidate for vice president. It just made sense. 

Shapiro is a popular governor in a vital swing state that, with him on the ticket, tips the odds in the Democrat’s favor. Of the other possible vice presidential picks, Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) does not bring executive experience to the ticket the way a governor does, although Arizona is an important state - a border state overrun with millions of illegal aliens since Biden-Harris took office on January 20, 2021, that should favor former President Donald Trump. And Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is a radical socialist who would simply double-down on Harris’ well known radical progressiveness. Minnesota is almost certain to fall into the Democrat’s column on November 5, thus Walz adds nothing to the ticket either geographically or philosophically. Shapiro is less radical than Walz, the eventual pick by Harris, and Walz is less likely to overshadow Harris than Shapiro would. Additionally, it is less likely Walz has any presidential aspirations, when Shapiro is almost a certain entry into the Democrat’s 2028 primary process. 

But, an anonymously registered website, included a petition urging Harris not to select Shapiro to be her vice presidential nominee. This is clearly demonstrative of the direction the Democrat Party has traversed for years - complete with the belief Israel is an apartheid state and a genocide state, and therefore, Shapiro, by virtue of being Jewish is guilty by association. “The antisemitism on display isn’t only a political and electoral blight on everyone associated with it, it is an affront to all Americans who want our country to remain an open and tolerant society for everyone - including Jews,” said Daniel Rosen, president of the American Jewish Congress in The Wall Street Journal on August 2.

In fact, if the Democrat Party actually had a transparent process following the coup orchestrated to replace Biden, and gave its primary voters - those 14 million now disenfranchised Democrats who voted for Biden during the primary season - a real option, either a mini-primary before the upcoming Democrat National Convention, or an old fashioned open convention floor fight, it is reasonable to suspect Harris might not be the nominee of her party. As it is, Harris is the nominee of the Democrat Party having earned absolutely zero primary votes, winning absolutely no primaries or caucuses, and must stand in defense of the Biden-Harris administration’s failed policies.

But the Democrats could not risk alienating its ever growing, ever vocal radical pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, antisemitic wing. Even if Shapiro underwent a process to “de-Jewify” himself, as Matthew Foldi suggested on Chris Plante’s Newsmax program The Right Squad, he still would be unacceptable to the aforementioned antisemites of the Democrat Party. But even as a Jewish candidate Shapiro foolishly supports a two-state solution in the Middle East, and has been as critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Harris, Biden, and Walz. Shapiro called Netanyahu “a dangerous and destructive force” and “one of the worst leaders of all time.”  This after taking much criticism for an editorial he wrote in 1993 in his college newspaper at the University of Rochester. “Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro wrote. “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.”

But the Jewish double-standard persists. Shapiro is still held responsible for his editorial from 31 years ago, while the media and the Democrats are rehabilitating Walz for “misspeaking” about his military service. Which is more egregious?

What is actually the more egregious matter within the Democrat Party is the worsening, virulent antisemitism problem - a modern day “Jewish Problem.” It’s obvious Shapiro made more sense for the Democrats, but the party puppeteers are more concerned with losing the Muslim votes in Minnesota and Michigan, than keeping the Jewish voters from Pennsylvania. Antisemitic and anti-Israel House members Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) lead the so-called Squad which includes recently defeated Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Cori Bush (D-MO). Their level of antisemitic, anti-Israel rhetoric and votes, along with the overwhelming majority of the Democrats in Congress who have stood by and supported the antisemitic and anti-Israel sentiments on the myriad college campuses, including from Kamala Harris herself, who has offered support to those very campus denizens and disruptors. 

“Let’s be honest, Kamala is the most anti-Israel member of Biden’s team, always siding with Hamas and Iran’s interests. Shapiro and Walz’s views on Israel aren’t that different. But Harris catered to her pro-Hamas, antisemitic base who opposed Shapiro because he’s Jewish,” posted Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“It’s amazing that despite America’s right, left, and center agreeing that Josh Shapiro was Harris’ best pick for VP, at the end of the day, Shapiro being Jewish disqualified him. It says so much about the state of today’s Democratic Party,” posted former US Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), also on X.

Even Democrat operative Van Jones had to admit the Democrats have an antisemitism problem. “ have antisemitism - that’s gotten marbled into this party. You can be for the Palestinians without being an anti-Jewish bigot. But there’s some anti-Jewish bigots out there… How much of what just happened is caving into some of these darker parts of the party? So that’s going to have to get worked out,” said Jones on CNN’s Newsroom.

Bush demonstrated her intense antisemitism on Tuesday night in a screaming rant upon losing her primary. Her venomous attack against AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) sounded harsh and unhinged, as she bellowed “I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!”

“She’s a full-on antisemite,” said Morgan Ortagus, former State Department spokesperson during the Trump administration of Bush. “Not only did she and Jamaal Bowman lose, they lost overwhelmingly - that’s important. She also was very threatening last night in her ‘concession’ speech, and she threatened to tear AIPAC’s kingdom down,” added Ortagus, founder of Polaris National Security.

And quoting Isaiah 54:17, Ortagus said “No weapon formed against me shall prosper,” as a message to the vanquished Bush.

Since Franklin Roosevelt, the Democrat Party has taken the Jewish vote for granted. Roosevelt hardly lifted a finger to help the Jews in Europe being slaughtered by Hitler and the Nazis during the Holocaust of World War II. Jimmy Carter oversaw a peace treaty that forced Israel to surrender land. Joe Lieberman understood how dangerous Barack Obama would be when Lieberman agreed to speak at the 2008 Republican National Convention for his friend and GOP nominee, the late Arizona Senator John McCain.

The Democrat Party of 2000 openly welcomed an observant Jewish vice presidential candidate, while the Democrat Party of 2024 is under the thumb of pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, antisemitic hatemongers who support the tent cities, rallies, graffiti, and the occupation of buildings on myriad college campuses. It is high time for the Jewish voters, who are not a monolith, to tell the Democrat Party where to get off. After 70 years of empty promises from both sides of the aisle, Donald Trump kept his word and moved the American embassy in Israel to its true capital, Jerusalem. Trump moved the needle toward a lasting peace with the Abraham Accords involving Israel, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates.

Beyond Israel and the growing antisemitism of the Democrat Party, there is out of control prices of food and gas, out of control inflation and mortgage rates, and out of control crime, thanks to Biden-Harris. There is an out of control invasion to the tune of more than 10 million illegal aliens who are sucking up resources meant for Americans such as free lodging while there are homeless veterans, such as free healthcare while Americans struggle to keep their own insurance, thanks to Harris, the border czar. Democrats have long opposed the school choice that legislators have taken advantage of in a most hypocritical manner. Why should anyone believe there will be an end to these problems as Biden-Harris morphs into Harris-Walz, a ticket of radical socialists who never met a tax or regulation they didn’t like? That is why it is imperative to vote for Donald Trump and help Make America Great Again.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Harris Dances Farther Left with Walz for VP

Harris Dances Farther Left With Walz for VP
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
August 7, 2024

While Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris and the so-called legacy media are doing their level best to bamboozle and gaslight the American people by whitewashing her entire failed record from prosecutor to vice president, she doubled-down on her progressive, far left, socialist bona fides with the selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

In her introductory speech in Philadelphia on Tuesday, August 6, Harris read a cadre of titles Walz has held throughout his career, from teacher to coach to National Guardsman to Congressman to Governor. What Harris neglected to include in that list is liar and dictator.

In her Philadelphia speech Harris referred to Walz as having been the “highest ranking enlisted man to ever serve in Congress.” Walz did, in fact, serve in the United States Army National Guard for 24 years. For that, he is owed a “thank you for your service,” as he served honorably - until he did not. Walz claimed to have served overseas in combat. He did serve overseas, in Italy, but not in combat. First lie. Walz addressed a group of constituents discussing gun control and referenced a specific gun he carried into combat. Second lie; and there are those who would correctly call those lies “stolen valor.”

In 2005 the First Battalion 125th Field Artillery, to which Walz belonged, received orders to mobilize for a mission to Iraq. Upon those orders, which undoubtedly would have put Walz and the soldiers he was charged with leading in harm’s way, Walz bailed. He retired from the Army National Guard to avoid the deployment and announced he would run for Congress in 2006. Upon how many bodies did Walz stand in order to get to Congress? 

Because Walz retired from the Guard, the claim of “highest ranking enlisted man to ever serve in Congress,” is also up for dispute. Throughout his six terms in Congress Walz lied about his rank in the Guard, declaring it to be Command Sergeant Major, E9. In reality, because Walz retired when he did, he failed to complete the course work and requirements that would have earned him that promotion. Instead, Walz retired as a Master Sergeant, E8, according to Alpha News MN. With these lies, Walz sullied what may very well have been honorable service in the Army National Guard. What purpose did those lies serve? Virtually everybody would have applauded Walz for his service regardless of rank. Retiring to avoid the mission to Iraq - most definitely not honorable. How carefully and deeply vetted was Walz before Harris tapped him for her number two?

Next in line behind Walz to lead the mission, Tom Behrends, said, “What the hell kind of leadership is that?”

Walz demonstrated poor leadership skills, once again, as governor of Minnesota during the Covid-19 pandemic. Described by many residents of the Land of 10,000 Lakes as serving as a totalitarian dictator, Walz ruled with an iron fist imposing draconian lockdown policies pertaining to schools, businesses, restaurants, and houses of worship, extending beyond what most states inflicted upon their citizens. Walz introduced a snitch hotline, encouraging Minnesontans to rat out their fellow Minnesotans who individuals deemed to be violating the Covid lockdown rules. As an observant Jew, and not one to frivolously employ words like Nazi and Hitler, this comparison is apt. The Nazis mandated the populations, especially children, to spy on one another and report their neighbors, teachers, religious leaders, even their own parents to the Nazi authorities for speaking ill of the Third Reich and/or Hitler.

Yet, in spite of Walz’s dictatorial rules, he hypocritically reminded the Philadelphia audience on Tuesday that “In Minnesota we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make. Even if we wouldn’t make the same choice for ourselves, there’s a golden rule: mind your own damn business!” Walz most certainly does not practice what he preaches.

Another disturbing example of the Walz leadership style, is his best imitation of Nero - fiddling while Minneapolis burned to the ground in 2020. During that riotous spring turning into summer, 1,500 businesses burned, many unable to reopen costing owners their livelihoods, and $500 million in property damage. Then police chief Medaria Arrdondo said “these events over the last 72 hours absolutely overwhelmed public safety.”

Walz reported on May 29, 2020 that, “I got a call from a friend and a dedicated public servant - Senator [Patricia] Torres Ray called in her district [63], and it was on fire. And there weren’t any police there. There weren’t any fire fighters. There was no social control, and her constituents were locked in their house wondering what they were going to do. That is an abject failure that cannot happen. If the issue was that the state should have moved faster, that is on me,” said Walz, who declined to call in the National Guard.

“When the police are not supposed to do their job, it is the most vulnerable people in our community who suffer,” said GOP vice presidential candidate Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH). “We saw that, of course, in 2020 with the summer riots with our new vice presidential nominee on the Democrat side. As he was promoting rioters and looters burning down the City of Minneapolis, Kamala Harris was helping to bail the rioters and looters out of jail - a really vicious cycle if you own one of those businesses that was burned down, and, of course, a very vicious cycle if you’re one of the poor kids who needs law and order, who needs common sense safety, but doesn’t have access to it because our government, so often, refuses to do its job,” said Vance at a campaign rally in Detroit on Wednesday.

Also, during his tenure as governor, Walz has supported and signed into law the following edicts or bills that would not make America great again:

Established a DEI council with his first executive order
Signed an executive order guaranteeing gender-affirming care for transgender youth - minors
Signed an order requiring tampons in boy’s/men’s bathrooms
Signed a radical abortion rights bill into law
Signed a free college tuition bill into law
Signed a free universal school meals bill into law
Supported BLM that set Minneapolis ablaze in 2020 and refused to call in the National Guard, suggesting they would be “19 year old cooks”
Did not prevent statues from being overturned during the riots
Burned through an $18 billion surplus
Is not welcome at the funerals of police officers
Signed into law the North Star Act making Minnesota a sanctuary state
Supports recreational marijuana use
Signed into law the right of illegal aliens to procure driver’s licenses 

Living in Indiana, these are not remotely close to the Midwest values former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi incorrectly credits Walz with having. Walz makes Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-VT) look like a conservative.

Former UN Ambassador and governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley said the Walz pick is “a win for open borders and socialism.”

Just take Walz’s words for it. Objecting to President Donald Trump’s border wall, Walz said, “If the wall is 25 feet, then I’ll invest in the 30 foot ladder factory.” Walz also said, “One person’s socialism is another’s neighborliness.”

By picking Walz, or following the orders of whomever is pulling her strings, Harris demonstrates to whom she is answerable, and the strength of the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel wing of the Democrat Party. The Republican Party dodged a bullet with Walz on the Democrat ticket versus Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. Regardless of what Trump or anyone else said about Minnesota being in play, Richard M. Nixon, in 1972, was the last GOP candidate to win that state. Picking Walz should put an end to that pipe dream and hopefully the Republicans will not waste resources in Minnesota when there are many other battleground states in need of serious attention - particularly the Keystone State.

By not picking Shapiro, the Democrats did the GOP a huge favor. Shapiro is less socialist than Walz, is younger, more popular, seemingly more affable, and Jewish. (Quite frankly, the Democrats may have done Shapiro a favor should he seek his party’s nomination in 2028.) The GOP has a more reasonable chance of winning Pennsylvania than Minnesota on a normal day. By omitting Shapiro from the Democrat ticket, the edge goes to the GOP, when including him would have given that edge to the Democrats. There is also an important Senate race in Pennsylvania that could tip the balance of power should Republican businessman Dave McCormick deny Senator Bob Casey, Jr. a fourth term. See the companion piece on the importance of Shapiro’s religion: 

President Trump kept the United States out of new wars, oversaw a solidly growing economy, energy independence, miniscule inflation and unemployment figures, and the beginnings of a border wall that must be restored and completed. After all, under border czar Kamala Harris more than 10 million illegal aliens have invaded the United States. Harris-Walz will continue to drag this country toward the bottom, putting America last by giving illegals free hotel rooms while there are homeless veterans, giving illegals free healthcare, education, driver’s licenses, and in some jurisdictions, voting rights. This can all be put to a screeching halt by voting for Donald Trump on November 5, and help make America great again.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.