Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Harris to Snub Netanyahu; Foreshadowing Her Administration?

Harris to Snub Netanyahu; Foreshadowing Her Administration?
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
July 23, 2024

In what is no doubt a preview of life under the Kamala Harris regime, the sitting Vice President of the United States, announced she is boycotting the address to a joint session of Congress to be delivered by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday July 24. The nation of Israel, as well as the Jewish citizens of the United States must stand up and take notice of this obvious affront and snub by Harris. 

During a joint session of Congress, just as when the president delivers his State of the Union address, sitting behind the president or whomever is speaking, are the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Vice President, who is also the President of the United States Senate. Foreign leaders - allies - and other dignitaries invited to speak before a joint session of Congress should be afforded the respect they deserve - not every foreign leader is offered such an invitation. 

For Netanyahu, this will be his fourth address before the joint session, breaking the tie with the late, former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. Churchill, it should be noted, had honorary American citizenship conferred upon him on April 9, 1963, by President John F. Kennedy, the first foreign national so honored. Of the only eight men and women to be awarded honorary citizen status, a mere two - Churchill and Mother Teresa, enjoyed the honor while still living. (https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/62058/8-honorary-citizens-united-states) (https://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/reference/three_column_table/HonoraryCitizens_US.htm)

Is this the nature of the relationship with the only Jewish nation on the planet, and one of the great allies of the United States, that Israel can expect should Harris ascend to the White House? At best, the relationships between Israel and Harris, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama can be described as rocky and tense. It seems now, the triumvirate of American leaders will have disrespected the Israeli Prime Minister with their various snubs.

In the months since the horrific Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023, where the Islamic militant terrorist organization slaughtered more than 1,200 innocent Israelis, including the rape of women and children, including burning babies to death in front of their parents, and then murdering the parents, Vice President Harris has spoken favorably towards college campus protesters supporting the evils of Hamas. 

Campus denizens set up tent cities, blocked Jewish students from accessing academic buildings or campus at all in some cases such as Columbia University and UCLA. Regular chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free; go back to Poland; send the Jews back to the ovens; death to Israel;” and even “death to America,” among other antisemitic chants and tropes designed to intimidate, threaten, harass - verbally and physically, Jewish students on more than 80 college campuses across the United States have made Jewish life on campus virtually interminably unpleasant, to say the very least. 

Some media reports noted that Harris encouraged Biden to take a “tougher stance” on Israel as the war against Israel progressed. Harris expressed specific concern over whether or not the women in Gaza had sanitary pads, and if Israel was providing enough food and water to Gaza. There is a serious double standard where Israel is concerned. Why is Israel required to provide food and other supplies to their enemies while a war is in effect? Why is Israel always told to tamp down, or temper their defense or response to attacks they have suffered?

Harris has not come out calling for Israel to do whatever is necessary to defend its homeland, while even Biden has once or twice. Harris did not call for the cessation of antisemitic, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel activities on the myriad campuses. “They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza. There are things some of the protesters are saying that I reject, so I don’t mean to wholesale endorse their points. But we have to navigate it. I understand the emotion behind it,” said Harris in an interview with The Nation. Harris has also not condemned Hamas for pirating upwards of 90 percent of the food and supplies being trucked into Gaza by Israel. In fact, most “legacy” news reports use Hamas or Al Jazeera statistics without verification.

In her stead, retiring Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) will serve as Senate President Pro-Tem. As he is retiring and Jewish, there will be no political fallout. Before Cardin’s acceptance, Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), who is not retiring, although she should, also declined the seat, as she, like Harris, is boycotting Netanyahu’s address. With friends like Harris and Murray, who needs enemies?

At a time when Biden-Harris have waived sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, provided the lead endorser of state terror more than $16 billion, allowing them increased capabilities of producing nuclear weaponry, no Jew in America, hell, no clear thinking American of any background should cast a vote for Harris-TBA. 

The clear choice is Donald Trump. He kept his promises during his first term, including moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, as has long been promised by presidents from both sides of the aisle for decades. Trump has been a stalwart supporter of Israel and he understands the mutually beneficial relationship the two nations have, as evidenced by the successful Abraham Accords. For peace in the Middle East, for peace on college campuses, and for peace of mind, Trump will keep his word and Make America Great Again.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden OUT - Will Not Seek Reelection (will complete his term - for now)

Biden OUT - Will Not Seek Reelection (will complete his term - for now)
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
July 21, 2024

On Sunday, July 21, President Joe Biden announced he will not seek reelection in the 2024 race for the White House, although he will complete his term that expires January 20, 2025 - for now. “Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year,” said Biden from Rehoboth Beach, DE. 

The big question that will have to be answered, the 5,000 pound donkey in the room is, if Biden is not capable of continuing the campaign through November, how is he still able to carry out the duties of the President of the United States of America into next January? Would this facilitate Biden’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Constitutional Amendment, and remove him from office for cause? See the text of the 25th Amendment: (https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-25/) 

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said, “If Joe Biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president. He must resign the office immediately.”

If the 25th Amendment is invoked, and Biden removed from office, Vice President Kamala Harris ascends to the Oval Office, and becomes the clear frontrunner for the Democrat nomination at the Democratic National Convention to commence on August 19 in Chicago. Coincidentally, the last open convention occurred, also for the Democrats in 1968, also in Chicago. The major, huge, difference between 2024 and 1968 is that then President Lyndon B. Johnson announced, from the Oval Office, on March 31, 1968 - giving the Democrats much more time to find Johnson’s replacement. Of course, Johnson bowed out not due to health reasons, but because of his overwhelming unpopularity over the War in Vietnam, and said he needed to focus his attention on the war, rather than a national campaign. No doubt chaos will ensue in August 2024 as it did in August 1968.

With his announcement declining to seek reelection, Biden would still need to release his delegates that are committed to him for the upcoming convention. Additionally, if Harris is atop the ticket, it becomes increasingly easier to transfer presidential campaign funds from Biden-Harris to Harris-TBA, as opposed to a ticket without Harris at all. If neither Biden nor Harris is atop the Democrat ticket, that campaign war chest does not automatically shift to whoever is at the top of the ticket.

In part, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said of Biden, that “he once again put his country, his party, and our future first.” Of course Schumer, along with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), US Rep. Adam Schiff (D-NY), and former President Barack Obama (D) have all, in their own ways, been leaning on Biden to step aside. Of course these Democrats, and the nearly 40 from the House and Senate that have publicly called for Biden to bow out of the 2024 race are thinking of the down ballot races and the impact Biden would potentially have. Should Harris be the nominee, she may not offer much more support for those races either, as her popularity is further down the gopher-hole than Biden’s.

Since his abysmal debate performance on June 27 and the press conference he staggered through shortly thereafter, there has been increased calls for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race. Many Americans expressed shock in seeing Biden in such a debilitating state. Clearly, those Americans have opted to receive their news from the “legacy” or mainstream media that has protected Biden. Amazingly, following that debate, the media and members of his own party began throwing Biden under the bus. Apparently his term as “useful idiot” has expired.

Quite frankly, those media outlets, print, audio, and video are absolutely complicit in the cover-up of Biden’s diminishing capacities and failing health, both mental and physical. This cover-up reached so far and wide within the White House, the Fourth Estate, and major contributors, that this is infinitely worse than Watergate. Yes, Watergate. Millions of American voters have been lied to - bamboozled - who voted for Biden this spring and will now feel disenfranchised. Those Americans no longer have a candidate, and will ultimately be forced to accept one to be thrust upon them - even if it is Harris. An apology is owed to the entire nation and must originate from Jill Biden and Kamala Harris.

Former President Bill Clinton and defeated 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have announced their endorsement of Harris. US Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), to whom Biden owes an enormous debt, has also endorsed Harris. Pelosi, however, said there should be no coronation of Harris. Obama has not offered an endorsement of Harris.

Biden did the right thing by endorsing his Vice President. Make no mistake, she would be worse than Biden because she is younger, has at least some of her wits about her, and is a true far-left progressive. (Biden as a progressive, served more or less as a go along to get along faux-progressive.) She failed, magnificently, as border czar - see the teeming borders invaded to the tune of 10 million illegal aliens; supported the radical defund the police movement; offered bail money to the criminals who burned down a Minneapolis police station; praised Hamas, college campus antisemitic, anti-Zionist, anti-Israel, protesters against Israel following the October 7, 2023 Hamas invasion into Israel slaughtering more than 1,200 innocent Israelis and other nationals in Israel.

This announcement could be a win-win for both the Republican and Democrat parties - if Harris becomes the Democrat’s standard bearer next month. For the GOP this is a no-brainer. Running against Harris is a known entity, and she has an absolutely embarrassingly disgraceful record on which to run - see above. Harris was, ostensibly, a back-bencher while a Senator, and made numerous questionable decisions as the Attorney General of California.

For the Democrats, the win-win is more important, again, if they nominate Harris. To not nominate Harris will enrage the rank and file of the Democrat Party and create a chasm within their ranks. To bypass Harris, a bi-racial woman of color would evoke calls of racism and sexism against the Democrat Party - the so-called party of women, ethnic minorities, and other box-checking groups. While absolutely nothing should ever be taken for granted insofar as former President Donald Trump’s chances of victory this November, many would look at Harris as a sacrificial lamb taking one for the team.

The Democrat Party can then breathe a sigh of relief. The Kamala Harris experiment would have ended, and the champion of the word salad would likely not seek her party’s nomination in 2028. Should none of the following seek or garner the Democrat nomination next month in Chicago, they will be the crux of their 2028 primary lineup: Gov. Andy Beshear (D-KY), Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Gov. Wes Moore (D-MD), Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA), Gov. Josh Shapiro (D-PA), and Gov. Gretchen Witmer (D-MI). The Democrats will be passing the torch to the next generation, as at age 60, Kelly is the senior of these six. Newsom is 56, Witmer is 52, Shapiro is 51, Beshear is 46, and Moore is 45.

And of course the choice of Democrat for Vice President looms overhead like the Sword of Damocles. The Biden administration must also answer for the utter failure of the Secret Service to prevent the assassination attempt on Trump on Saturday July 13.

If the GOP plays from behind - as if they trailed by 10 points in Idaho and Wyoming, and take nothing for granted as Clinton did in 2016 costing her the election, Trump can and will win in November. If Trump can keep his speeches crisp, avoid talk of the 2020 election, remain focused on the issues, and the truthful dismal record of Biden-Harris, Trump can and will win in November. Should Trump win, with Vice President JD Vance (R-OH) by his side, and the potential front runner for the GOP in 2028, at 39 - half Trump’s age (40 next month) neither he nor the aforementioned Democrat potentials will be old enough to order off the senior menu. For a world in constant flux and a 24-7 news cycle, that could provide some comfort to Americans looking to the next generation of leaders. For now, for this November, it is vital to elect someone with a proven track record of success, keeping his word, and who will “Make America Great Again.”

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Trump Survives Assassin's Bullet as RNC Opens

Trump Survives Assassin’s Bullet as RNC Opens
Commentary by Sanford D. Horn
July 14, 2024

Less than 48 hours prior to the Republican Party convening in Milwaukee for its quadrennial convention, President Donald Trump suffered a bullet wound to the right ear at the hands of a would be assassin. Trump is recovering and the RNC will open as scheduled on Monday July 15. 

The would-be assassin has been appropriately dispatched by the Secret Service. Were it not for the Secret Service’s utter failure to secure the area where Trump spoke on Saturday in the first place, in Butler, PA, the attempt on Trump’s life would not have occurred. Those Secret Service agents physically closest to Trump did their jobs in precision fashion, surrounding the former president within seconds of the initial shots ringing out, and extricating him from further harm.

A defiant Trump, with blood streaming down his right cheek, raised a fist and shouted “fight, fight, fight,” as the Secret Service physically escorted Trump from the scene. As he was ushered into the presidential SUV, Trump once again raised his fist and shouted “fight” yet again. It seemed Trump wanted to continue with his speech at the rally, akin to the October 1912 attempt to assassinate President Theodore Roosevelt in Milwaukee, where he did, in fact, resume his speech with a bullet in his chest.

Ironically, Joe Biden, in his press conference last Thursday evening, said “when you get knocked down, you get back up,” no doubt referring to his miserable debate performance against Trump. And that is exactly what Trump did - after literally getting knocked down, Trump literally rose up, feistily, to the relief of the thousands in attendance that late afternoon. Upon realizing Trump was vertical, and as the Secret Service whisked him away with fist raised, the throng began chanting “USA, USA, USA.”

And while, thank G-d, Trump will live to see more than just another day, the true takeaway from this near-tragedy  must be the abject failure of the Secret Service’s advance team. They had the enormous task of ensuring the, as wide as possible, perimeter would be tighter than any drum on the planet. They failed. The shooter, a 20 year old male from Bethel Park, PA, scaled a building, reaching the rooftop roughly 160 yards from Trump’s speaking position - less than two football fields. Has the Secret Service learned nothing from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963? An open air, largely attended, presidential visit.

A number of Trump supporters attending the rally spotted the shooter scaling the building. There is even video footage of ordinary rally attendees discussing seeing the assassin and mentioning it to authorities. Why didn’t the Secret Service witness this as well? One feeble excuse claimed the budget didn’t warrant a further blanketing of the area. Did the Secret Service work with local law enforcement in Butler, PA? A Congressional investigation has already been called for, with both the Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas expected to testify. Biden has also called for the fast-tracking of the attempted assassination investigation. Because of this tremendous failure, and but for the grace of G-d that Trump survived this assassination attempt, both Cheatle and Mayorkas should immediately be relieved of their duties. People, humans, failed in their vital tasks of securing the safety of the President of the United States and heads should roll - firings must take place.

One person not nearly as fortunate as Trump, murdered at the hands of the assassin’s gun while protecting his family, Corey Comperatore, 50, served his community as a former fire chief. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro (D) said, at a press conference Sunday, that the father of two “died a hero" after diving on top of his family. “He dove protecting his family. Took a bullet for them," Shapiro said. “We lost a fellow Pennsylvanian last night ... I just spoke to Corey's wife and his two daughters. Corey was a girl-dad. Corey was a firefighter. Corey went to church every Sunday. Corey loved his community. Corey loved his family. He was an avid supporter of the former president and so excited to be there last night with him in the community," Shapiro said, as reported on www.newsweek.com. May his memory be for a blessing. Two other rally attendees are recovering from gunshot wounds at the hands of the assassin.

Virginia Governor Glenn Younkin (R) called for flags to be flown at half mast in the Commonwealth of Virginia in memory of the Pennsylvanian, Comperatore.

No one, not Comperatore, not a person attending a Trump rally, a Biden rally, or any other political rally, should have to wonder if they will return home later that night. Americans have attended such rallies for more than two centuries in this country. This should not be a political issue either. No member of the body politic either, should ever be in this amount of danger - literally inches from death - no one.

Biden called for the lowering of the temperature regarding the vitriol that has been free flowing from both sides of the aisle, but most particularly from the Democrats. This must include the hyperbolic rhetoric by elected Democrats and members of the so-called mainstream media calling Trump Hitler and a Nazi. Is Donald Trump responsible for the deaths of more than 11 million people, at least six million of whom were Jewish? Is Donald Trump going to bring the American government and democracy to its knees, as his opponents say? First of all, they should remember this country is a Constitutional Republic. Biden himself, egregiously put forth his own raising of the temperature against Trump, most recently declaring “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” and “he’s a threat to this nation.”

It has been Democrat invective that is the cause of such violence. It is the team currently occupying the White House that is the genuine threat to the stability of the government and the security of the nation. The Democrat Party thwarted all efforts to hold primaries, disenfranchising their own party loyalists from having a say in who their nominee should be. They rigged the system in 2020 to ensure Biden became the nominee. Biden and his Democrats have systematically controlled the so-called legacy media. This is reason number one why there was such shock following Biden’s disastrous debate performance on June 27. Biden and his Democrats on the bench have also turned this government into a banana republic by weaponizing the Justice Department and imprisoning political opponents. The Biden administration continues its open border policy that has already seen more than 10 million illegal aliens enter the United States on his watch - that is damaging this country. Just last week 198 Congressional Democrats voted against a bill that will prevent those very illegals and all non-citizens from voting in American elections. If a member of the elected class in the United States believes non-citizens should possess the franchise, those members should either be impeached or recalled at once.

To borrow from the 1980 Reagan campaign, “the time is now,” for a return to being America first, not America last. The time is now to support policies that will return America to its former prominence. The time is now for America to support jobs for Americans, putting its veterans above illegal aliens. The time is now for America to stand with its allies like Israel and Hong Kong, and send a message to its foes that their shenanigans in the US, such as buying up American farm land abutting military bases will no longer be tolerated. The time is now to make America, American again. Following the undoubtedly humbling, turn to G-d moment Trump experienced on Saturday, he will be the person the nation needs him to be, at a time when he is most needed.

Sanford D. Horn is a writer and educator living in Westfield, IN. He remembers the assassination attempt on President Reagan as a cold, rainy, Monday March 30, 1981 as he left school that afternoon. Until the last minute, the playing of the NCAA basketball championship was in doubt.